Friday, March 5, 2010

May I See Your ID Please

I made my first trip to KAUST's recently opened beach today.  Much to my surprise, it's a coed beach.  The rules dictate some common sense in choice of apparel but that's about it.  It's located a couple of miles from the main housing area while the beach much closer and directly in front of the seafront homes remains fenced from access.  There are so many things here at KAUST that just don't seem to make much sense.  This is just one more.

My trip to the beach did remind me of something that is ubiquitous at KAUST which is the need for an ID.  To enter the beach area you must show your id, write down your id, sign your name and whether you are a "single" or "family".  Yesterday, to get a mailbox which everyone is supposed to have you must show your id, write down your id, address, mobile number, etc., etc..   To ride the shopping bus to Jeddah, you must show your id.  I guess that's the one facet of living here that causes me to realize just how tenuous KAUST's existence is.....there is constant checking to see if you belong.  (The miles of fencing topped with razor wire could be another clue, I suppose.) (Oh, and the guards with automatic weapons, truck mounted machine guns, and occasional use of a mirror to see the underside of a vehicle are also indicators.)  This radical (for Saudi Arabia) concept of men and women more or less freely mingling engenders its share of ill will among the religious conservatives in the Kingdom so a certain level of caution is to be expected.


Back to the beach.  As you can see above, there are kayaks and paddleboats for rent.  There is a refreshment stand with drinks and food for sale.  There are "lifeguards" by the dozens.  They outnumbered the beach goers today, for example.  Whether walking around, sitting in lifeguard chairs, riding 4-wheelers around or sitting offshore in boats, they're everywhere!  There is also, of course, lots of fencing.  As noted, I have to assume it's for our protection but it gets a little stifling after awhile.

This view is looking back at the University and is taken just to the left of the picture above.  The shallow water area in the foreground is a tidal basin and the tide was out when I took this photo. 

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Green Grass in the "Big Tan"

This post will likely only be of interest to any golfers reading it.  I received my "playing" card at Safaa Golf Course here at KAUST today.  I met with one of the Pros on staff who watched me hit for a bit and gave me some excellent tips.  I found out that I'm an "aggressive ball striker"!  He gave me the impression that's a good thing but one never knows.  He could have just been being kind to an old duffer.  Nonetheless, I have my first tee time on Thursday morning (which, you may recall, is my "Saturday") and I can't wait.  Here are a few more pictures I took at the course.

This is the clubhouse as seen from the course side.  It's got a pro shop and a nice restaurant plus men's and women's locker rooms.  Very new and nice inside.  I had a tasty chicken and avocado sandwich, fries, and a diet pepsi for SR28.  (if you've been paying attention, you'll be able to figure that out in American $ :-))

This view is approaching the first tee.  The little hut beyond the golf carts is the starters booth.

This is a view of the first hole from the back tees.  It turns out the course is longer than I thought.  This hole is a 445 yard (black tees) par 4.  The current 9 hole course clocks in at over 3000 yards from the white tees and almost 3600 yards from the black tees.

From behind the first tee you can see the practice greens and chipping area.  I didn't know it when I took this picture but the fellow in the background is the CIO (Chief Information Officer) at KAUST.  My boss reports to him.

This was a relaxing way to spend a couple of hours after a long day at work.  The weather was perfect and I only hurt a little bit.  It's all good.

Monday, March 1, 2010

Going Places

I've joined the ranks of the mobile here at KAUST.  My transportation alternatives have dramatically increased in the past week.  I was limited to two feet but look at me now!

On the right is my Trek bicycle which arrived in my shipment from home along with some clothes, tools, and a bunch of miscellaneous stuff which had me wondering why I packed it.  On the left is my first major purchase in Saudi Arabia and a fine example of Chinese manufacturing it is.  My brand new Banweer Super Classic 110cc scooter will be perfect for those 115F degree days when peddling a bike seems like just too much work.  It's already served it's purpose by getting me and my golf clubs (which were also in the shipment) to the golf course here at KAUST  I only had to do that once because they'll store the clubs for me.  Golf, including rounds, carts, and the driving range are all free for the time being!  I don't know when they'll start charging but I'm going to take advantage of it now.
The 9-hole course is pretty short but very well maintained and under utilized.  I'm looking forward to being a bad golfer on an entirely new continent.  I'll have to learn the appropriate expletives to mutter in Arabic now.  I'm scheduled to meet one of the three PGA golf pros tomorrow to ascertain my "level" of golf and to begin the establishment of a handicap.  (Something we just never got around to in the States).  They are wary of complete novices coming out with no knowledge of the rules of golf or how to hit a ball without tearing up the course.  I, at least, know the rules.  I don't recall being a strict adherent of them.....but I know what they are.  On the other count.....well doesn't everyone take a divot now and then?!?